Village of
Oriskany Falls
LAW #2 “Prohibited Parking” OF 2001 PROPOSED:
May 14, 2001 ADOPTED:
JUNE 18, 2001 I. Legislative Intent. It is the established policy of the
Village of Oriskany Falls that the safe and orderly movement of vehicular and
pedestrian traffic in and about the streets of the Village of Oriskany Falls is
essential to the public welfare and this local law is adopted for the purpose
of promoting such policy. II. Definitions. Park or parking. The stopping of a vehicle, whether or
not attended or occupied, for an interval of time longer than necessary for
loading. Curb
line. The street side edge of any curbing
of concrete, bituminous or other substance lining a Village street or avenue,
or in the absence of such curbing, the edge of the street pavement. III. Prohibition. It
shall be unlawful and in violation of this local law for any person to park,
and for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in
their name, or operated by them, to be parked between the curb line of any
street in the Village and the interior sidewalk line. IV. Violation.
Every person who shall violate any provision of this local law shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars ($25) for each offense. V. Local Law in Force. This local law shall take affect upon its being duly filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York.