Village of
Oriskany Falls

Rapid Entry System - 2009

Local Law #1 of 2009
January 20, 2009
Table Of Contents:
This law provides for quick access by the Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire Department  into a locked building.

Local Law # 1 of 2009

 "Rapid Entry System"

Adopted January 20, 2009


Section 1. Legislative Intent.


The Village of Oriskany Falls has recognized the importance of providing the Village of Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire Department rapid entry into locked buildings. The delay in gaining entry can result in substantial property damage, the potential for rapid-fire extension and increased danger for the fire fighters. To assist the Fire Department in gaining rapid entry, the Village of Oriskany Falls Board of Trustees adopts a Fire Department Rapid Entry Knox Box System Local Law.


Section 2. Definitions.


FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM- A system or assembly of piping, valves, controls and sprinklers which are designed and installed to comply with the NFPA standards, which utilize water, foam, CO2 or other gas to automatically react to suppress fire.


FIRE ALARM SYSTEM- Equipment which automatically actuates a fire alarm when the detecting element is exposed to fire, smoke, abnormal rise or decrease in temperature or activation or a sprinkler system or manually activated device.


APPROVED LOCK BOX- A high security key vault, that meets the UL listed Knox rapid Entry System. Locks shall be keyed to the key configuration provided by the Village of Oriskany Falls Fire Department.


TAMPER BOX SWITCH- An eternal switch connected to Knox box that when opened a signal is sent to the Fire Alarm System in the building notifying the occupant or alarm company that the box has been opened.


KNOX COMPANY- Approved company to supply Lock Boxes (Knox Box) for the Rapid Entry System used by the Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire Department.


Section 3. Applicability.


A.)       The owner or person in control of the following types of buildings shall install and maintain a Fire Department Lock Box (Knox Box) approved by the Village of Oriskany Falls.


                        1.)        Any apartment building or other rental building containing Four (4)

or more residential living units and in which access to the building or to the common areas or mechanical or electrical rooms within the building is denied through locked doors.


2.)        Any non-residential building where a fire detection or suppression system is monitored by an alarm company or has an external audible alarm.


3.)        Any building or facility containing a quantity of hazardous materials which would require compliance with III of SARA (Superfund Amendment reauthorization Act).


4.)        Any Building or facility required by the Village of Oriskany Falls Codes Enforcement Officer or Fire Chief.


B.)        Persons or entities who own existing buildings or structures which are subject to the requirements of this chapter shall have one year from the effective date of this Law to comply with the requirements. Persons or entities who construct buildings or structures which would be subject to the requirements of this chapter shall comply with the requirements at the time of the construction.


Section 4. Installation Requirements.


A.)       The owner of applicable buildings, as described in Section 3, shall install or cause to be installed a Lock Box System prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any portion of the building for new or remodeled construction.


B.)        The Lock Box shall be installed on the front of the building near the main entry door and between (5) five and (8) eight feet above the ground, unless approved at a higher or lower level by the Code Enforcement of the Village of Oriskany Falls.


Section 5. Lock Box Keys Required.


            The owner or person in control of buildings or facilities described in Section 3 required to have a Fire Department Lock Box (Knox Box) System cause to be placed in such Fire Department Rapid Entry System a key to the following areas:


1.)        Locked points of access, egress whether interior or exterior of the building or facility;


2.)        Locked points of access to common areas, such as hallways or utility rooms, contained within such building or facilities;


                        3.)        Locked mechanical rooms;


                        4.)        Locked electrical rooms;


5.)        Elevator Control Keys/Elevator Control Room Keys;


6.)        Any fence or secure areas;


7.         A card containing the emergency contact people and numbers for such building;


8.)        Keys to pull stations or Fire Protection devices;


9.)        All other locked areas directed by the Village of Oriskany Falls Codes Enforcement Officer or Fire Chief.


Section 6. Access.


The owner or person in control of any building or facility described in Section 3 required to have a Fire Department Rapid Entry System (Knox Box) shall be present, himself or through his agent, during access to such Unit by the Fire Department or Codes Enforcement Officer except when the Fire Department has responded to an emergency at the property.  


Section 7. Rules and Regulations.


The Village of Oriskany Falls Fire Department Chief may establish rules and regulations for the placement and maintenance of the Fire Department Rapid Entry System (Knox Box) within the Village, including approved types of Fire Department Rapid Entry System (Knox Box). Proposed rules and regulations will be filed with the Village Clerk. 


Section 8. Update of Keys and Information.


The owner or person in control of any building or facility described in Section 3 required to have a Fire Department Rapid Entry System (Knox Box) shall do the following:

            1.)        Provide keys capable of access to such Fire Department Lock Box (Knox Box) at all times to the Fire Department.


            2.)        Maintain current information of hazardous materials stored in the building or facility in the Fire Department Lock Box (Knox Box) or, if the volume of material is too large to place in the unit, shall file said information with the Chief.


Section 9. Limitation of Liability.


            The Village assumes no liability for any of the following:


1.)        Any defects in the operation of the Fire Department Repository Unit, of any of the keys contained within such unit or any information stored within the Unit or otherwise provided to the Village;


2.)        The failure or neglect to respond appropriately upon receipt of an alarm from an alarm system;


3.)        The failure or neglect of any owner or person in control of a building or facility required to have a Fire Department Repository Unit to provide access to the Unit; or


4.)        The security of any property required to have a Fire Department Repository Unit due to access to the Unit by any person.


Amendment of Provisions.


The Village of Oriskany Falls Board of Trustees may from time to time, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal this law pursuant to the provisions of the Village Law and the general Municipal law applicable there to.


Effective Date.


This law shall become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State.