Village of
Oriskany Falls

2011 Spring Newsletter April


Spring Newsletter

April 1, 2011


Village of Oriskany Falls

185 North Main Street

Oriskany falls, NY 13425


315-821-6590 (Fax)


"In The Valley"

Incorporated 1888


Broad Street Construction Information


Broad Street Public Sewer Project is to begin in early May and continue through October 2011. This project will consist of tearing up the road, sidewalks and shrubbery to install new under-drain, storm sewer and catch basins, moving water and sewer lines, then replacing all sidewalks, curbing, shrubs and lastly the road.

Throughout the construction the Village Board will have several public information meetings. Notices will be posted throughout the Village inviting anyone interested to attend. 

The Oneida County Department of Transportation has decided to replace the County owned Broad Street Bridge in June 2011, once school has ended. The bridge will be closed to all traffic for up to three months. Detours to Waterville will be from Route 12 to Route 20.  The Village Board requested that the DOT have a one lane bridge during construction to have access to Sanger Hill Road. The Oneida County DOT had to decline that request due to the safety issues of the current condition of the bridge. Also, it would cost nearly $80,000 more for the County to replace the bridge. 

If there are any questions or complaints during the Broad Street project please bring address the Board of Trustees. They will be happy to help in any way possible! 


Summer Youth Program


Summer Recreation Program Director Jacqueline Roys and Assistant Director Alyssa Cresswell are very excited about returning again this year. They are looking for a third staff member for the summer program. Last summer there were seventy children registered and hope they can serve a large number of children again this year. The program is an excellent way for children to continue to socialize with classmates, swim in a safe location, be entertained and educated by numerous field trips and play under a well supervised setting.  There is a possibility of some interruption due to the Broad Street Project but they will be staying on top of this as it progresses and will be making plans to eliminate any inconvenience to children being dropped off or walking and to allow for their safety at all times.

The project will not lead to a cancellation of any activities.

Children enrolling must have completed kindergarten and not yet entered seventh grade. There will be modified participation for teens as well. Please watch for signup   day in early June. Paperwork will be sent out to any prior participants and will also be available at the Village Hall and

Library.  Thank you, Jacque Roys


 13th Annual Fireworks over the Falls

Help support the Fireworks over the Falls Celebration.


Saturday July 9, 2011

Games to begin at 1PM

Food at 4PM

Live Band at 6PM

Raffle drawing at 9:30PM

Fireworks Show 10PM


Start your weekend off with a concert in 

Douglass Park Friday July 8, 2011


Live Band

 Hotdogs and BBQ Chicken


 Thank you Robert Bowie and Thomas Kilts for planning an excellent event!


2011-2012 Budget


The proposed 2011-2012 Budget has a tax rate set at $8.1441, which is a 6% decrease from the 2010-2011 Budget. The Village has paid off the five year loan for Village equipment in the 2010-2011 Budget year, which takes $13,080 off the expenses for this coming year.

The Village Board has worked through every line in the proposed Budget to cut costs wherever possible. With Covidien closing in December 2011 the water fund will be losing approximately $13,000. But at this time the Village Board feels confident with the rate staying the same. There will be some repairs to the water system in the upcoming year and they are included in the proposed budget.

In 2013 the Village will pay off the College Hill Improvement Loan, which is approximately $13,000 a year.

The sewer fund expenses have decreased by $3,500. Septic tank pumping will continue through measurement scheduling, not every three years. 

A Public Hearing is set for April 18, 2011 at 6:15PM for questions and comments on the proposed 2011-2012 Budget.


Village Board


At the March 15, 2011 Election, Mayor John Misiaszek, III was re-elected for another two-year term. No other members of the public ran for the Mayor position.

There was a race for Trustee Sheila Johnson, Trustee Brian Bell and Colin Idzi. Trustee Sheila Johnson has been on the Village Board for eleven years and Trustee Brian Bell just finished his first two year term. New comer Colin Idzi and Trustee Brian Bell both ran under the Republican ticket and Trustee Sheila Johnson ran as an Independent.

2011 Elected Trustees are Brian Bell and Colin Idzi. The annual Village Board Meeting is set for Monday, April 4, 2011 at 6:30PM.



April 2011 Utility Bill



Information for your

April 1, 2011

Utility Bill


Due to the ending of another fiscal year your current April 2011 Utility Bill will have penalties added to all unpaid accounts on May 16, 2011 in which you will only have until May 22, 2011 to pay in full. Not the normal 15 business days.


Any unpaid April 2011 Utility Bills will be relevied to your June 2011 Village Property Taxes at the May 23, 2011 monthly meeting.


Water customers residing outside the Village of Oriskany Falls will be subject to termination on June 6, 2011 if their utility bills remain unpaid.





The Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire

Department and

Ambulance will be hosting an Open  House/Recruitment Drive April 9th from 10am to 3pm at the Firehouse on Madison Street.


The Boys and Girls Little League Teams will be hosting a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, April 9th from 4:30pm to 7pm at the Oriskany Falls Firehouse on Madison Street.



Recycling FAQ from Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority 


Village residents are asked to place their garbage out to the curb Wednesday nights for Thursday morning pickup. Garbage and recyclables must be in clearly marked containers. Any questions or complaints please contact the Village Clerk at 315-821-7275. The Village garbage contractor is Scully Sanitation in West Edmeston. The FAQ information was taken from the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority website. They have a bundle of information at their website listed below.  Check it out.


For more information on recycling please go to the following website;


Can I recycle aerosol cans?

YES. You must follow usage directions so the entire product is dispensed. Spray nozzles do not need to be removed. If the aerosol can has a plastic lid you should remove it. Do not recycle aerosol cans that have contained paint, starter fluid, pesticides or other hazardous wastes, place them in the garbage. Place aerosol cans with your container group for recycling.


Can I recycle hardcover books?

YES. Hard cover books are now recycled in our system. Local book exchanges, libraries, nursing homes, Salvation Army Thrift Stores and the Kirkland Arts Center will take books for reuse and recycling. Hard cover books must be delivered to the Authority's Residential Convenience Station on Leland Ave. in Utica for recycling. Hard cover books are not allowed to be recycled at the curbside.



Can I recycle major appliances?

YES. Major appliances or white goods (stoves, washers, dryers and hot water heaters) are accepted for recycling at our facilities in Rome and Utica at no charge. You may also deliver them to local scrap yards for recycling. Appliances containing CFCs (freon), such as refrigerators, air conditioners and freezers are also accepted for recycling at our facilities at $10.00 per item.


Can I shred my junk mail, personal papers or confidential papers/material?

YES. Any personal or confidential papers should be destroyed before recycling. You may tear or shred personal papers before recycling the material. However, you must place this shredded material in a clear plastic bag and keep it separate from other paper group material. The Authority can offer businesses limited confidentiality during the recycling process. Once material is delivered to the Recycling Center it is baled and shipped to pulp and paper mills for recycling.


Can I recycle plastic bags with the recycling number in the triangle?

NO. Please do not place plastic grocery bags with your recyclable material. We are presently not recycling plastic film such as plastic bags. This material should be reused or taken to local grocery or drug stores that provide film plastic recycling. Do not place bags of plastic bags with your recyclables.


Can I place my recyclables in a clear plastic bag so they won't get wet or blow away?

YES. Please place your recyclables in the largest clearest plastic bag that you have available. Keep the container group separated from the paper group when using a plastic bag for recycling.


Can I recycle prescription medicine bottles?

NO. Place all prescription medicine bottles directly in the garbage.




Village of Oriskany Falls

Board of Trustees


Mayor John P.  Misiaszek, III


Thomas Kilts

Sheila Johnson

Robert Friers

Brian Bell



Monday, April 25, 2011

Village of Oriskany Falls



Used Furniture

Metal Parts

Bike and Mower Parts


Clean empty paint cans  Televisions

Metal Lawn Furniture

Small Appliances

Tires will be picked up ONLY if you have a sticker on it purchased at the Village Hall and the tire must be off the rim!




Barb Wire

Farm Machinery


Asphalt Shingles

Propane Tanks


Trees & Limbs

Green Waste

                                                                           Plaster Board                                  


Toxic Pesticides & Cont.

Old Wood Structures

Construction & Demolition Materials


Residents are asked to leave trash at the roadside, properly sorted. Once your road has been done we will not backtrack! Green waste and tree limbs will be picked up at a later date. If you have any questions, call the Village Hall at 821-7275.

Please sort your trash by group or it will not be picked up. Thank you