Village of
Oriskany Falls

2012 Spring April Newsletter


Spring Newsletter

April 1, 2012


Village of Oriskany Falls

185 North Main Street

Oriskany Falls, NY 13425


315-821-6590 (Fax)


"In The Valley"

Incorporated 1888


Spring is here! Please use caution while using the streets and sidewalks for pedestrian travel, whether it’s to walk, run or bike!


2012-2013 Budget and Proposed Water Rate


The proposed 2012-2013 Budget has a tax rate set at $9.9168, an increase of $1.77 per thousand from last year. In the year 1999 the tax rate was $10.3110 per thousand. From 2000-2011 the Village Board has kept the tax rate between $7.12 and $8.63 per thousand.  The reason for the tax rate increase this year is to cover the expense of the Broad Street Project.

The proposed Water Rate takes effect July 1, 2012 for inside Village users will increase to $4.40 per thousand and the outside  Village users will increase to $5.65 per thousand. That’s an estimated average of $80 more a year per water user. The reason for the water rate increase is to cover the loss of Covidien. A Public Hearing is set for April 16, 2012 at 6:00PM and 6:15PM to discuss the budget and water rate.


April Quarterly Utility Billing


Important Information for your April 1, 2012

Utility Bill


Due to the ending of another fiscal year your current April 2012 Utility Bill will have penalties added to all unpaid accounts on May 16, 2012 in which you will only have until May 21, 2012 to pay in full.

Not the normal 15 business days.


Any unpaid April 2012 Utility Bills will be relevied to your June 2012 Village Property Taxes.


Water customers residing outside the Village of Oriskany Falls will be subject to termination on June 6, 2012 if their utility bills remain unpaid.



Department of Public Works News

Hydrant Flushing


To the residents of the Village of Oriskany Falls and Sanger Hill Road  Hydrant Flushing will be Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 12AM Midnight.


Village Election


                                                   At the March 20, 2012 Election, Trustees Thomas Kilts and Robert Friers were re-elected for two-year terms. No other members of the public ran for office.


The Annual Village Board Meeting is set for Monday, April 2, 2012 at 6:30PM. Monthly Meetings are set for the third Monday of the month


Summer Youth Program


The 2012 Summer Youth and Recreation Program will begin Monday, July 9 through Friday, August 10, 2012 at the Maple Ave Park. Monday through Friday from 9AM to 2PM.


If it’s raining in the morning then please bring your children to the Library on Main Street.

The Program is open to all Village of Oriskany Falls and Town of Augusta children who have completed kindergarten to fifteen year olds.


Permission slips and other forms will be available the first day of the program and must be completed and returned to the Director in order for your child to participate in this program.

See you soon!




Monday, May 7, 2012

Village of Oriskany Falls



Used Furniture

Metal Parts

Bike and Mower Parts


Clean empty paint cans  Televisions

Metal Lawn Furniture

Small Appliances

Tires will be picked up ONLY if you have a sticker on it purchased at the Village Hall and the tire must be off the rim!




Barb Wire

Farm Machinery


Asphalt Shingles

Propane Tanks


Trees & Limbs

Green Waste

                                                                            Plaster Board                                  


Toxic Pesticides & Cont.

Old Wood Structures

Construction & Demolition Materials


Residents are asked to leave trash at the roadside, properly sorted. Once your road has been done we will not backtrack! Green waste and tree limbs will be picked up at a later date. If you have any questions, call the Village Hall at 821-7275.

Please sort your trash by group or it will not be picked up. Thank you



  From the Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps:

New Members Needed/College Tuition Assistance Available:

The Fire Department and Ambulance Corps continue to seek new members interested in becoming firefighters and/or emergency medical technicians.  Through a grant program, college tuition assistance for a variety of programs may be available for people who join the fire department and wish to further their education at a local community college.


On April 21, 2012 the Oriskany Falls Volunteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps will host an open house from 10AM to 2PM. It is with great pride that the members of our department serve this community. However, we are in need of new members to serve in all aspects of the fire and ems service, from providers to drivers of the apparatus. We would like to invite you to come to our open house and take a look around the department, meet the members and enjoy the demonstrations. Members will be available to answer any questions that you may have and to help with the application process. All training is provided at no cost to you. Food and beverages will be served. If you are unable to make the open house but are interested in becoming a member please call 821-6171 and leave a message. We look forward to seeing you!


Please do not hesitate to contact one of the Fire Chiefs or Ambulance Officers if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach Chief Drew Ecker at 725-4532 or Deputy Chief Russ Petrie at 794-5813. Please support our local fire department and emergency services.  Check out our web site at or stop by the firehouse and check us out any Monday night.




C.W. Clark Memorial Library Events

April 2012 and May 2012


April 7th- 10 A.M. Easter Egg Hunt at Douglass Park
April 11th- 2:00 P.M.  Stories that make you Laugh preformed by
Storyteller Beth Tegart All ages welcome
April 13th- Drop in Craft (Spring Theme)
April 21st- Brunch from Brazil 10:00 A.M.(Learn how to make a simple
Brazilian dish) Ages 12 and up

May 5th- Mother's/Grandmother's/ Daughter's Tea Party Please call to
register for more details
May 8th- Meet and Greet:  Melanie Zimmer Author of Myths, Legends and
Lore: Central New York and The Finger Lakes and Forgotten Tales of New
York. She will be available to discuss her books and will have copies
available to purchase. 6:00 P.M. -7:00 P.M.
May 10th- Mother's Day Craft
All ages welcome 6:00-7:00 P.M.

**The library will be collecting addresses of those that will be
participating in the garage sales on June 14th, 15th and 16th.  Please leave
a message or call with your information prior to June 9th.  The maps
will be available for pick up at the Library the week of June 12th.