New Look in Quarterly Utility Bills
Village changed to a new software program, so all billings will look different.
If you are interested in being able to pay your bills online through a web
portal or receiving your bill through email please contact the Village Clerk. These
functions should be available by the October billing cycle.
Hall Summer Hours
The Village Hall is open to the public Monday through Thursday from
7:30 to 4pm and Friday from 7:30 to 1:30pm. Masks must be worn to enter. The
Office will have limited hours of operation the week of July 6th
through July 10th. Please put any payments in the drop box if the
Office is closed.
Messaging System
The Village of Oriskany Falls has been sending messages through a
global connect system since February, known as IRIS, for Immediate Response
System. If you aren’t in the system yet and want to be, please call the Village
Clerk and give her your information.
Residents may supply a phone number (up to 5 per household) and/or
an e-mail address to start receiving important messages. All personal
information (i.e. phone numbers & e-mail addresses) will be kept confidential by the Village Clerk. You may e-mail
or text your information to or 315-335-0129.
The sooner we have your contact info the faster you will start receiving
important information!
Messages may be about
offices hours, tax/utility bill due dates, road work, water/sewer repairs, board
meetings, movies in the park, Youth & Recreation Program being canceled,
when the Village parks will open up and so much more!
Summer Recreation canceled
The Village Board had
to cancel the Summer Youth & Recreation Program for the year due to
COVID-19 restrictions.
Maple Ave Park
The Village Board
decided it was time for an upgrade in park equipment at Maple Ave. You will see
that the old wooden structure is gone as well as the seesaw and mulch. A new
play structure along with a swing set and rubber mulch will be installed. As soon
as the new equipment is in and the parks are open for enjoyment, a message will
be sent out to the residents through the IRIS System.
Green Waste Pickup Reminder
green waste should be put out to the curb in a dump-able container.
Green waste consists of grass clippings, leaves, weeds and brush. Do not put dirt or rocks in with green
waste. Branches must be cut into 5ft
sections and put to the curb, if you bundle them it’s easier to pick
up. The Village DPW will not pickup branches that are larger than
stated. NOTICE: The Village will remove branches that have been trimmed or
fallen off; we will NOT remove an entire tree. If you have cut down a whole
tree, it is your responsibility to remove it in its entirety. Green waste will be picked up on Mondays,
weather permitting.
Fireworks over Oriskany Falls Postponed
21st Annual Fireworks Celebration that was to be held Saturday, June 27th
had to be postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. No date has been set.
Village Election
years’ election was postponed from March 18th to September 15th from
noon to 9pm at the Village Hall. The positions up are for two Trustees and are
for a term of two years each. Douglas Smorol and Jean White are running for
these positions. Contact the Village Clerk with any questions on Village
Bounce House and Movie Screen
for Rent
Bounce Castle and Slide Combo is available to rent through the summer! Call the
Village Hall today to reserve your spot! Rental is $150 plus security deposit
and Certificate of Insurance is required. Proper sanitizing will take place
before each rental. Other fees may apply.
Village purchased a 22 ft inflatable movie screen, DVD projector and speaker
system last year, it is available to rent for $50, with a $100 security
deposit. Call 315-821-7275 for more information.
Summer Movie Series
Planning is underway to hold
a Summer Movie series at Maple Ave Park in August. Notifications will be sent
out when plans are finalized. Movies must take place after dark.
C.W. Clark memorial Library
The library is now providing
curb side pickup for their patrons. While we are not yet able to order
materials from other MidYork libraries, all materials we have in the library is
available for curbside pickup.
Just call 315-821-7850 or
message Facebook with a list of books
or movies you would like and we can look them up for you and let you know if we
have them available, and when they are ready for you to pick up.
You can always look at our
online catalogue as well at and login with your
library card.
We’ll do whatever we can to
help you find what you’re looking for. You can always get items at other
MidYork libraries by going to those libraries to pick them up as well. There is
just no transport between libraries at this time. We hope things will change in
the near future! But for now, give us a call and we’ll do what we can!
With the current situation, we
have decided that there will not be a carnival in the park this year. We are so
sad to have to cancel this fun event, but the safety of the children is of the
most importance. We will plan something for them when things settle down and we
can have some fun. We will really miss
seeing the kids!
Please address
any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Village of Oriskany Falls
to the Village Board; PO Box 669, Oriskany Falls, NY 13425-0669 or email to You may also call the Village Hall at 315- 821-7275.
We are here to assist you.