Village of
Oriskany Falls

2010 Fall Newsletter- October




October 1, 2010


Village of Oriskany Falls

"In The Valley"

Incorporated 1888



$600,000 Grant Awarded to Village


Finally, Broad Street will be repaired! The Village of Oriskany Falls has been awarded a $600,000 grant through the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporations Office of Community Renewal , NYS Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for the Drainage Repair of Broad Street!

 In addition to the CDBG grant the Village was awarded $150,000 from Senator Valeskys Office through the NYS Department of Transportation to help with the repairs to Broad Street.

The Village has an Engineers Report from Dodson & Associates with an estimated expense of $850,000 to repair Broad Street including drainage, curbing, sidewalk and new pavement. Village tax payers will only be responsible for  $100,000 out of the estimated cost of $850,000. 

The next step is to put the job out to bid.  Thank you to all the residents of Broad Street that sent letters of support for this project.  The Village Board hopes to start this job in the Spring of 2011.



Summer Youth & Recreation Program 


The 2010 Summer Youth & Recreation Program ended Thursday, August 12, 2010. There was a total of seventy-seven children that signed up for the program with an average of fifty children a day.

The Y&R Director Jacqueline Roys administered a survey of the program, here is what they thought;

 Favorite trips included Adirondack Train Robbery, Kelley Miller Circus, Roc’s Ice Cream Demo, Earlville Ventriloquist, Windmills  and finally the Loomis Gang Bus Tour.  There was about six other field trips that the children went on, plus swimming twice a week at Clinton Pool. 

Overall the children had a great time, some comments included; Loved it!, “Fun, Great, Awesome, Staff was amazing, very nice, loved all field trips, I am definitely coming back next year, except for telling me to pull up my pants or pull down my top it was great!, better food and less vegetables and Elvis is the best”.  Some ideas for next years program form the children are a trip to Enchanted Forest or Darien Lake, Train Ride, Movies, Ball Games, Parade, Madison Lake, Farmers Museum/Other Museums and a Ben and Jerry’s Tour.

Now you have heard it from the mouths of the children. The Village of Oriskany Falls puts on a great Summer Program! Thank you to all the volunteers, see you next summer. 



Please Notice:

If the Village Office is closed at any time you may put your Utility Bill payments in the drop box located to the left of the front door.

This is a locked box and only the Village Clerk/Deputy Clerk have access to this box.  Please put checks only.



Sewer Pumping Revised


In the past septic tanks were pumped every three years except for businesses and apartment buildings, they were pumped every year.  This is an extremely expensive  task. The Village Board contacted the New York State DEC to see if there was a better way of pumping.

After discussing the Villages procedure, the NYS DEC agreed that pumping every three years is unnecessary. The Village Board revised the Sewer Law to save tax payers money.

The new procedure for sewer pumping is for the DPW to measure the sludge in the tank and anything over 12” from the baffle T will get pumped.   The Superintendent will be inspecting sewer tanks to get a measure of how much sludge is in the tank.  Septic Tanks are self efficient and should work properly without being pumped every couple of years.


Garbage Reminder


The Village of Oriskany Falls has a contract with Scully Sanitation from West Edmeston for the removal of Garbage/Recyclables every Thursday morning before 8AM. We encourage you to put your Garbage/Recyclables out every Wednesday night.

Recycling is an Oneida County Law and is followed by the Village of Oriskany Falls. Please separate your recyclables, this keeps the cost low for the Village Residents. Make sure you put your recyclables in a clearly marked container. 

Also, In the spring the Village of Oriskany Falls has a scheduled Trash Pickup Day. This consists of junk laying around the house like old furniture, clothes, metal parts, bike and mower parts, mattresses, clean empty paint cans, televisions, metal lawn furniture and small appliances. 

Please do not put these items out for the regular garbage men. This adds unwanted expenses, which increases your garbage rate.  Property owners must inform there tenants of this policy.

If there is a holiday on the scheduled garbage pickup day then contact the Village Hall the week before to see if the contractor has changed the pickup day for that week.  Or look on the Village website.


Looking Ahead



It doesn’t seem possible that winter will be here soon. The Village DPW will be working hard to keep the roads and sidewalks clear of snow banks.


This activity seems to make a mess for the spring, to try to help the Village DPW minimize the mess with yards please put up sidewalk markers. The sidewalks usually get cleaned in the early morning hours when its dark, be patient with the Village DPW, they try hard to get it done as fast as possible.

Also, it is extremely important that you keep your vehicles off of the road and sidewalks through the winter months so the Village, Town and County can keep the snow off the road/sidewalks. If your vehicle is in their way you will get a ticket and possibly have your car towed.

Please remember that the Village sidewalks are the homeowners responsibility the DPW plow sidewalks  as a courtesy. Enjoy the upcoming holidays and snow.


Have you been to the Village’s website? It’s  Is there something you would like to see on it? Email me at