Village of
Oriskany Falls

2011 Winter Newsletter-January


Winter Newsletter

January 1, 2011


Village of Oriskany Falls

185 North Main Street

Oriskany falls, NY 13425


315-821-6590 (Fax)


"In The Valley"

Incorporated 1888


House Numbers are Important!

Its important to have numbers on your house so that the Fire Department, Ambulance and Police can find you fast. Also, the Village DPW need to be able to find your house for water and sewer problems. 


Stone Church


The Stone Church Restoration Committee along with several community volunteers put on a homemade Stuffed Cabbage supper Friday, October 22, 2010 at the Oriskany Falls American Legion. This was the first attempt at getting the residents of the Village involved with restoring the historic Stone Church in the Village.  The amount raised was $1,340 and with several donations throughout the past months its at $3,000.

This money was used to hire an architect to inspect the building (which is in good condition, other than the roof) and to hire Harter Construction to repair the Stone Church Roof in the amount of $2,520 .

The Village Board and Stone Church Committee hope to work on getting a grant in the spring to replace the roof. Also, future use of the building would be a Community Center. 

The second event that was planned by the Stone Church Committee was a "Meet Santa Pancake Breakfast". That was held on Sunday, December 12th at the American Legion. The amount raised from this event was $597.50 with a donation of $50. The total amount received for this event was $647.50.

A special thank you to all that helped by donating their time and supplies for both of these events! Wesley and Tammy Wendt, Mario and Lucia Tinervia, Tom Farrow, Berkshire Bank, Falls Insurance, Bruce Mattison From Vernon Dairy for the donation of supplies.  Marilyn Nassimos and Bobbi Trendell for preparing the meals and several volunteers that worked the event and prepared pies, cupcakes and holiday baskets.  Also, a thank you to Anne Castelluci, 50/50 raffle winner, for donating the money back to the Stone Church.

 Free Ice Skating


Once again the Village DPW  will be putting the ice skating rink up for public use. Same as last year the ice skating rink will be at the  Fire House on Madison Street. There are lights, parking and its easily accessible for the public.

 Please bring your own skates and children must have adult supervision. Hours of operation will be from dawn until 9PM. This is free of charge. Have a wonderful time, use good judgment and skate at your own risk!

We Hear You America


Reader’s Digest is offering $5 Million dollars in funds and promotional support through their “We Hear You America” campaign,  to 100 towns, villages and cities across the  U.S. to promote things like tourism, civic works, job growth and economic development. “We Hear You America” puts the spotlight completely on the community. They are looking for stories on our everyday life and the troubles that we are facing. 

Our Village could be a winner of theses funds!  The winner is put on a cover story of the Reader’s Digest between February and May 2011.

How do we win these funds? Everyone in our community must go to and vote for the Village of Oriskany Falls. They will collect stories on all villages, towns and cities. The one with the most votes wins! Its that simply.

If you vote, not only will you help the Village of Oriskany Falls win money to better our community you will also be automatically entered to win a family road trip in a brand new car!  Lets all vote and make a difference for the Village of Oriskany Falls. 


Broad Street Update


There was a Special Meeting December 8, 2010 for the Board of Trustees and Broad Street Engineer Jack Dodson. At that meeting Mr. Dodson had several questions for the Board Members for the final designs of the Broad Street project.


uestions asked were pertaining to the new sidewalk width, driveway aprons, replacement of trees, moving the water and sewer lines and traffic control.  Mr. Dodson would like to have a Public Information  Meeting with residents of Broad Street in January 2011. When that date is set letters will be sent to homeowners, and notices will be posted around the Village  and in the Waterville Times. The proposed project start date is May 2011.

Winter Parking

 Another year another reminder! The Village DPW will be working hard to keep the roads and sidewalks clear of snow banks. It is extremely important that you keep your vehicles off of the road and sidewalks through the winter months so the Village, Town and County can keep the snow off the road/sidewalks. If your vehicle is in their way you will get a ticket and possibly have your car removed. Please consider your parking spots.

 Every spring the Village DPW need to repair destroyed yards from plowing sidewalks. To prevent this, the Village Board is asking that residents please put up sidewalk markers. Some sidewalks are only 4’ wide and the Village equipment is 5’ wide.

The sidewalks usually get cleaned in the early morning hours, please be patient with the Village DPW, they try hard to get it done as fast as possible.


Unsafe Structure Removed


Since January 1, 2008, Codes Enforcement Officer Robert Cowles, Jr. had been working hard to condemn the house at 117 Cooper Street.  On February 12, 2008 a letter was sent to the property owner stating that there was a violation of “dangerous, unsafe structure”. From there it was a timely process to have the property owner remedy the violation.


This past year the Village Board was in contact with County Legislator Patrick Brennan and County Executive Anthony Picente to find out if  Oneida County could help with the expense of removing the unsafe structure.  Since the taxes were unpaid for four years the property fell back onto the county.


An agreement was made with Oneida County and the Village this past summer. The Village had to hire a contractor to perform an asbestos abatement.  Once the tests results were back the  county would pick up the tab on removing the unsafe structure. 


The asbestos building inspection report was received June 6, 2010 and was negative for asbestos being on the premises. On September 20, 2010 the Codes Enforcement Officer Robert Cowles issued a Demolition Permit to Oneida County DPW to remove the structure. It took the county two days to completely remove the house and it only cost the Village of Oriskany Falls $1,850.


 Thank you Codes Enforcement Officer Robert Cowles and Board of Trustees for not giving up. Thanks to Oneida County for their part in making the Village a safer place to live. 


Village Election


Election Day is drawing near. This years Election is to be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at the Village Clerks Office, 185 North Main Street, Oriskany Falls, from 12PM until 9PM. The positions coming up are for 1 Mayor and 2 Trustees. These positions are for a term of 2 years each.

In order to vote in this election you need to be a citizen of the United States, eighteen years of age or older and a resident of the Village for thirty days or more before the Village Elections. If you are not a registered voter you may get a New York State Voter Registration Form at the Village Hall and send it to the Oneida County Board of Elections before March 4, 2011.If you plan on running for a position on the Village Board in this year's election the Village Clerk is not allowed to give advice on what to do or give dates for appropriate deadlines. If you have any questions you may contact the Oneida County Board of Elections at 798-5643 or you may consult with an Attorney to receive required information. The Village Clerk will only receive the required paperwork from interested parties. Good Luck to all who wish to run for a seat at the table!


Village/Town Website


It’s been a year since the Oriskany Falls/Town of Augusta website was created. Thank you to all who have visited the site. And you who have not, what are you waiting for?


In January 2009 the Village was approached by Caroline Williams, Rural Development Specialist, from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County. Miss Williams discussed a website grant through SARA. The grant would be for establishing a website, training and one year free of cost.


The Village agreed to have a website created along with the Town of Augusta and share the yearly cost. Other municipalities involved in the grant were the Town of Marshall, Town of Sangerfield, Village of Bridgewater, Village of Oriskany, and the Village of Vernon.

In January 2010 the site was ready! The Village Clerk is the administrator for this site. This website can be found at If you have any suggestions as to what you would like to see on the website please contact the Village Clerk.


Village of Oriskany Falls

Board of Trustees


Mayor John P.  Misiaszek, III


Thomas Kilts

Sheila Johnson

Robert Friers

Brian Bell


Monthly Board Meetings are held the third Monday at 6:30PM of every month, unless Monday is a holiday, then it will fall on that Tuesday. All residents are invited to attend. Here is a listing of upcoming meeting dates;


      January 18, 2011                      February 22, 2011          March 21, 2011                 April 18, 2011

  May 16, 2011                                                   June 20, 2011                                 July 18, 2011                                        A ugust 15, 2011

          September 19, 2011                                      October 17, 2011                           November 21, 2011                          December 19, 2011


Public Hearings and Special Meetings will be posted in the Waterville Times, Village website and at  the Post Office, Berkshire Bank, Mario’s Pizzeria, Laundry Mat, Town Clerks Office and Village Hall. All residents are invited to attend.

If a Meeting should be cancelled a notice will be on the door of the Village Hall and on the website. 




Please address any questions or concerns regarding the Village of Oriskany Falls to, PO Box 669, Oriskany Falls, NY 13425-0669. Or call 821-7275 we are here to assist you.


If you have a suggestion as to what type of service the Village could do for you or how you would like to receive services you could email the Village Clerk at Have a great new year!